Friday, 7 July 2017

The thing I've achieved this Term

The main things that I've achieved this term is Hanga Hinaki because  my friends help me and that was Kauri and Kody the easy part was making the Hinaki
The hard part was setting the Hinaki in the awa, The thing that I have to work on next term is my Time tables the timetables I have to learn is my 7 Timetables.


  1. Good job Ngapua my feed back for you is don't forget to put in full stop where they need to be. Hope you had a great holiday.

  2. Kia ora Ngapua it's me Mata your friend. What I would like to say is that you did a really good work on your hanga hinaki and you are doing really good on your work in class so keep up the good work.
