Friday 28 June 2019

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Monday 24 June 2019


Today for writing we learnt how write an persuasive writing. we were split into groups, agree and disagree. I was in agree, the easy part was getting some ideas, the hard part was persuading the other group. I learnt how to persuade by listing the reasons. My next for Oreo writing is to backup my reasons with example. Our keyword is Oreo:          


                      Opening statement 

            : Reason

            : Example

                   Too backup your reason

            : Opinion

                      Closing statement

Monday 10 June 2019

Cultural Festival

Two weeks ago we had a Cultural Festival, we had food to sell and performance's, their was 2 schools and 2 Kohanga's, Maramaku, Waikare, Te Mirumiru and Te Kohanga Reo o Kawakawa. And the last performance was by Te Rau pou manawa o Kawakawa, and I was in it.


Last week we went to Waitangi for digital Technology, we learnt and tutu on most of the tech that was there. After all the tutu we when out to look at the rest of the museum, I learnt that there was another Pakeha that came to New Zealand before Captain Cook and his name was Abel Tasman, He left NZ straight  a way because he tried to communicate to the Maori but he blow his trumpet 3 time, that
means war to Maori and the Maori killed most of Abel's Men, for the tech I learnt how to use tinker cad, Tinker cad is a app that you tinker in and make 3d objects.